学术讲座:“应该”蕴含“能够”(ought implies can)

来源:必赢bwin线路检测中心发布时间:2009-11-27 05:22:30访问量:0

讲座人: Egon Spiegel 教授 讲座题目:“应该”蕴含“能够”(ought implies can)—无暴力政治的实践、原则和 前景 讲座时间&地点:12月1日晚7点,文科楼508室 讲座有中文翻译,PPT演示 Egon Spiegel , Full Professor at University of Vechta (and Titularprofessor of University of Olsztyn/Poland)Special subject: peace science (peace research, peace education, peace activism)Last publication (together with an US-American peace researcher of University of California, Berkeley, Prof. Dr. Michael Nagler): “Politik ohne Gewalt” (“Politics without Violence. Priciples, Practice and Perspectives of Nonviolence”), Berlin 2008Further activities:Editor (together with Michael Nagler) of the series of books: “Peace Science.Peace Research, Peace Education, Peace Activism”
